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What is it

A sound bath is a total immersion into a spiraling cocoon of meditative vibrations and frequencies, which are at the same time relaxing and centering, calming and energizing, transformative and healing. It is a massage of deep overtones and harmonics, as subtle as it is deep & powerful, and as scientifically-proven as it is magical.

Immerse yourself in a sea of sounds, a relaxing deep sound massage, a serenade of the heart and the soul, a musical and spiritual journey. Let the vibrations and melodies envelop and cradle your Self, while your system re-attune, rebalance and re-caliber itself. Experience an effortless transformation and healing at physical, emotional, cognitive, energetic and/or spiritual levels.

Activities I propose

Individual classes, Group sessions, Private or public

Events, Workshops, Retreats, Therapies...

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I created my 'brand' name from this pet project I'm passionate about, which is about:

- Using my healing intention and instruments towards the more-than-humans

- Sampling and looping nature sounds within the music (animals, elements, nature musics)

- Inviting other people to collaborate with me (instruments samples, nature sound samples, recorded live creations, electronic remix). 

Feel free to contact me if you'd like to connect and create together!





        For more details, audios and videos                   If you'd like to co-create something together!!! <3



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